
27.08.2024 | Product innovation

ASi-5-tællermoduler: Flere funktioner og en udvidet produktportefølje

Nu kan du også anvende den gennemprøvede ASi-5-teknologi fra vores tællermoduler i en kabelkanal og i et nyt husdesign – takket være det kompakte ASi-5 tællermodul BWU4996. Tidligere tilbød alle ASi-5-tællermoduler altid fire 2-kanals tællerindgange. BWU4996 udvider nu produktporteføljen med to 2-kanals tællerindgange. Det giver dig mulighed for at løse små opgaver endnu mere fleksibelt og omkostningseffektivt. Ubrugte tællerindgange kan desuden konfigureres som digitale indgange.



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06.08.2024 | Succes Story

Vandværk øger sikkerheden og fleksibiliteten med ASi-5

Hvordan kan du få gavn af ASi og ASi-5 i praksis? Englerup Vandværk er et aktuelt eksempel.



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18.07.2024 | Product innovation

Procesteknik med ASi – mere performance, færre udgifter

Hvorfor bør du anvendeAS-Interface (ASi) til procesteknik? Måske ønsker du at reducere kablingsudgifterne drastisk, integrere vidt forskellige IO-Link devices gratis eller nemt og hurtigt realisere Industri 4.0-projekter?

Med ASi – der understøtter alle gængse feltbussystemer – kan du desuden opfylde vigtige dokumentationsforpligtelser, realisere funktionel sikkerhed meget effektivt, forøge anlægsydeevnen betydeligt og spare værdifulde ressourcer og dyre stik.



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25.06.2024 | Product innovation

8-Port Master forener hurtige standard-I/Os og IO-Link

Du vil gerne i fremtiden overføre standardsignaler så hurtigt som muligt og samtidigt benytte IO-Link? Så bør du ganske enkelt bruge en af vores IO-Link Masters, som vi tilbyder med 1, 2, 4 og 8 porte: Med den rette konfiguration kan de overføre alle standardsignaler op til 16 I/O på bare 1,27 ms – uafhængigt af, hvor mange bytes IO-Link-data der parallelt overføres. Hvert M12-hunstik har to signaler, der kan konfigureres som to I/Os eller et I/O og IO-Link kommunikation.



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06.06.2024 | Product innovation

Pakkeautomatisering med ASi – fleksibel, økonomisk, ukompliceret

Optimer din pakkeautomatisering med AS-Interface (ASi): Fordelene ved det enkle og ressourcebesparende ledningssystem kommer bedst til deres ret i pakkemaskiner, robotter, palleteringsmaskiner, maskiner til emballering af paller med strækfolie og omsnøringsmaskiner.



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28.03.2024 | News

Færre stik – Flere forbindelser

Børn får ofte meget ud af lidt. To dåser, en snor, masser af pionerånd – og så er kommunikationsvidunderet færdigt. Mindre er også mere ved AS-Interface (ASi): Det superenkle feltbus/ledningssystem brillerer med færre stik, mindre ressourceforbrug, lavere omkostninger og mindre installationsarbejde takket være innovativ piercing-teknologi.



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07.03.2024 | Product innovation

Alsidige distributører: Integrer vidt forskellige komponenter i ASi nemt og bekvemt

Hvordan integrerer du AS-Interface (ASi) til hele dit anlæg? Og hvordan tilslutter du nemt sensorer og aktuatorer af alle slags til ASi? Med vores store sortiment af distributører i IP67!

Brug kompakte passive distributører til ASi-kompatible sensorer og aktuatorer. Disse giver mulighed for mange lokale forgreninger, f.eks. til fladkabler, push-in-klemmer eller diverse stik.



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20.02.2024 | Product innovation

Integrer Danfoss VLT-frekvensomformere legende let

Vil du gerne tilslutte Danfoss-frekvensomformere fra VLT-serien til AS-Interface? Ganske enkelt som plug-and-play via standard RS485-interfacet? Så brug vores ASi-5-motormodul BWU4980. Modulet tilsluttes med kun de to ledninger til RS485-klemmerne i Danfoss VLT-omformeren, så er du færdig. Modulets spændingsforsyning og kommunikation foregår takket være ASi via et eneste kabel.



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30.01.2024 | Product innovation

Safety-løsning til AGV'er – alsidig, prisattraktiv, sikker kommunikation

Realiser dit individuelle førerløse transportsystem (AGV) på økonomisk vis sammen med os. Vores alsidige Safety-løsning muliggør altid en sikker kommunikation mellem AGV'erne, men også med en central enhed. På den måde kan f.eks. alle AGV'er frakobles centralt via et sikkert nødstopsignal ganske enkelt – via LAN, WLAN, 5G og meget mere.



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07.12.2023 | Product innovation

Safe Small Control – Comprehensive Diagnostics – Now Also Possible via EtherNet/IP

Discover the cost-effective, compact Safety Basic Monitor (BWU2852) – a stand-alone small control with two safe wear-free semiconductor outputs and up to three safe 2-channel inputs or six digital I/Os. In combination with other Bihl+Wiedemann modules, you can process up to 31 safe signals and with Safe Link even up to 1,922 safe signals. This allows complex safety-related requirements to be achieved.



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17.10.2023 | Product innovation

ASi-5 Safety Muting Module – cost-efficient, simple, flexible

Implement your Muting applications up to SIL3/PLe more cost-effectively than ever before. There is enormous savings potential for you with the new ASi-5 Safety Muting Module compared to comparable, Ethernet-based solutions. The compact module processes all signals required for cross Muting or sequential Muting under one single ASi address. Ready-certified Muting building blocks can be configured quickly and easily.



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21.09.2023 | Product innovation

Wide range of applications in the cable duct: Self-configuring I/O modules for your material handling system

Do you want to be able to integrate inputs and outputs flexibly in your material handling system?  Then check out our new self-configuring I/O modules with a specially developed housing for the cable duct. They are available with 8 and 16 digital signals, which can be used bidirectionally as inputs or outputs. This allows many different applications to be realized in the cable duct with the same module – planning and spare parts management are simplified.



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07.09.2023 | Product innovation

Modern 30 V Power Supplies and ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateways – More Diagnostics, More Space in the Control Cabinet

Discover our modern 30 V power supplies. When combined with our ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateways, they are instantly “Industry 4.0-ready” – no additional IO-Link interface or other hardware is required.

The power supply and the gateway form one unit, which constitutes the central data point between field and control level. This means that plenty of information can be captured, processed and forwarded directly to IT or OT without having to take a detour via the PLC.



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15.08.2023 | Product innovation

Safe Small Control – Compact, Cost-Effective and Configurable

Benefit now from all the advantages of the new ASi Safety generation. Thanks to the ASi-5/ASi-3 Safety Gateways – in combination with our ASi-5 Safety input modules: ASi-5 Safety complements the established ASi Safety and can easily be integrated into existing applications.



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20.07.2023 | Product innovation

ASi-5 Safety Gateways: Use Several Safe and Standard Signals Under Just one Address

Benefit now from all the advantages of the new ASi Safety generation. Thanks to the ASi-5/ASi-3 Safety Gateways – in combination with our ASi-5 Safety input modules: ASi-5 Safety complements the established ASi Safety and can easily be integrated into existing applications.



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29.06.2023 | Product innovation

New 48 V Brake Chopper Reliably Limits Voltage Feedback

The new BWU4969 48 V brake chopper is now available. It extends our product portfolio for drive technology and material handling – and has comparable advantages to the BWU4915 24 V brake chopper.



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07.06.2023 | Product innovation

Safe relay outputs can now be used anywhere in the field!

Our new Safety Relay in IP67 is available. For the first time ever, with BWU4379 you can now take advantage of safe relay outputs in any location within the field, exactly where you need them. The Safety Relay is equipped with an additional safe input, a standard input, and the ability to safely switch-off AUX via a relay path. This provides a broad range of software applications to choose from.



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11.05.2023 | Product innovation

The New 8-Port IO-Link Master Pushes Boundaries

The latest 8-Port IO-Link master (BWU4386) now allows several hundred IO-Link devices to be integrated into a single ASi circuit. The ASi-5 module also offers a high degree of flexibility. This is because 1 to 32 bytes of process data and 1 byte of PQI diagnostics can be freely configured for each of the 8 IO-Link Class A Ports. The 16 digital inputs/outputs also enable each M12 socket to be used either for IO-Link or for binary sensors and actuators.



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21.03.2023 | Product innovation

ASi-5/ASi-3 address programming device – continuously improved thanks to constant updates

Benefit from the continuous further development of the ASi-5/ASi-3 address programming device (BW4925). New functions are regularly available via free field updates – currently, for example, extended setting and diagnostic options as well as the very clear display menu. Of course, this also applies to all BW4925's already in use.



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21.02.2023 | Product innovation

EtherCAT safety technology - suitable solutions also available in large quantities

You are looking for ASi gateways with FSoE interface to connect AS-Interface to an EtherCAT control? Are you looking for an FSoE master to safely control up to 32 FSoE nodes? And you want to implement functional safety without a higher-level safe control?



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24.01.2023 | Product innovation

Easy use of different drives - thanks to standardized data image

Do you want to perfectly integrate frequency inverters, DC and roller drives from a wide range of manufacturers? For example, conveyor and sorting systems, shuttle pallet warehouses, order-picking systems, packaging systems, storage and retrieval machines or in areas of warehouse and material flow technology?



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12.01.2023 | Product innovation

Functional Safety – scalable solution, easiest installation

Do you want to implement or redesign functional safety easily? Without complex parallel wiring? And without expensive Ethernet-based solutions in the field? Discover a cost-effective and fieldbus-independent alternative with the simplest connection technology: We offer safety solutions for any plant size such as proven solutions for various special applications such as Muting, Selection of Mode of Safe Operation or Speed Monitoring.



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08.12.2022 | Product innovation

Control (digital) RGB/RGBW LED Stripes with ASi-5 easy and cost effective

With our new active distributors ASi-5 BWU4083 and BWU4101 you can easily control almost all common (digital) LED Stripes - thanks to the separate profiles for RGB and RGBW as well as the intuitive configuration via the cyclic data. Another advantage: The modules allow a flexible connection of the LED Stripes, the supply of the LED Stripes is done out of AUX.



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12.10.2022 | Product innovation

New 24 V Brake Chopper Manages the Feedback of Generative Energy

Our product portfolio for Material Handling and Drive Control is growing: the new 24 V brake chopper BWU4915 is now available. The extremely flat brake chopper limits the overvoltage that occurs during braking when operating 24 V roller drives. This prevents unwanted mains disconnections or error messages due to overload.



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22.09.2022 | Product innovation

Free yourself from current delivery shortages. Use our new I/O product family for this purpose – and obtain all the devices you need in sufficient quantities even in the future. When developing the new modules, we have paid particular attention to two things: Firstly, that we only use components that are available in large quantities even in extremely difficult procurement markets. Secondly, the focus in designing the modules was to develop a high-performance and cost-efficient technology.



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25.08.2022 | Product innovation

Our FAQ page – everything you always wanted to know about AS-Interface and ASi-5 Safety

Have you already visited our FAQ page? Here you will find valuable answers to many pertinent questions about ASi and Bihl+Wiedemann products. Can't find your question? We would be happy to advise you personally.



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04.08.2022 | Product innovation

ZPA and AS-Interface: pre-programmed and freely parameterizable

Our pre-programmed ZPA solution allows you to implement zero pressure accumulation easily and cost-effectively. It is compatible with all Bihl+Wiedemann ASi drive solutions –  and thus with drive systems from a wide range of manufacturers (e.g.  INTERROLL, RULMECA, Itoh Denki, SEW EURODRIVE, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS, Rockwell Automation, Lenze, Bonfiglioli).



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07.07.2022| Product innovation

Control DGM/DGM-R drives comfortable and save costs

With our ASi-5 PCB modules, it is possible to add an ASi-5 interface to a wide range of applications. The control elements shown in the figure below are a typical example of this. By means of the compact PCB modules (W / H / D: 70 x 40 x 26.5 mm), they can be easily integrated into the control system via ASi – decentralized and in an existing housing.



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16.06.2022| Product innovation

Now digital: AS-Interface Master News Magazine

The printed edition of the AS-Interface Master News has been published for 14 years now. However, in the future we would like to make the magazine content available to you also online – in a digital edition, published in German and English. The current edition is only available in digital form. The next printed edition will appear as usual for the SPS, along with a digital one.


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